Deployment of Traefik using docker-compose
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2024-04-19 23:52:47 -04:00
docker-compose.https.yml version is obsolete 2024-04-19 23:52:47 -04:00
docker-compose.yml version is obsolete 2024-04-19 23:52:47 -04:00
LICENSE Add basic Traefik docker-compose.yml file 2023-10-09 23:42:46 -04:00 Disable Traefik dashboard and update TLS settings 2024-04-19 23:20:57 -04:00

Traefik Deployment Repository

Traefik is excellent as a reverse proxy within Docker environments, boasting features like automatic service discovery and automated HTTPS via Let's Encrypt. While similar, the docker-compose files available here cater to different use cases for deploying Traefik.

Add services to Traefik

  1. Define the external traefik network on the top-level networks key
    external: true
  1. Attach your web container to Traefik's network via the service-level networks key
      - traefik
  1. Define routing for Traefik in labels, replacing "examplerouter" with something unique
      traefik.http.routers.examplerouter.rule: Host(``)
      traefik.http.routers.examplerouter.entrypoints: websecure
      traefik.http.routers.examplerouter.tls: true 80 traefik


Here's a brief explanation of the variables used in the docker-compose files:

Docker Settings

  • IMAGE: The name of the Docker image (default: traefik).
  • VERSION: The tag of the Docker image (default: latest).
  • NAME: The name assigned to the created container (default: traefik).

Traefik Settings

  • DASHBOARD: Enable(=true) or disable(=false) the Traefik API dashboard (default: false).
  • DOMAIN: The domain name where Traefik's dashboard is accessible (default:
  • ENTRYPOINT: The entry point for the dashboard (default: local).
  • EXPOSED_BY_DEFAULT: Expose Docker containers by default without needing specific labels (default: false).

Network Settings

  • NETWORK: The Docker network to be used (default: traefik).
  • WEB_PORT: Binding for the regular HTTP traffic (defaults vary).
  • WEBSECURE_PORT: Binding for HTTPS traffic (default:, only on HTTPS version).
  • LOCAL_PORT: Binding for local HTTPS traffic (default:

Other Settings

  • LOG_LEVEL: Logging level (default: ERROR).
  • DEBUG: Enable(=true) or turn off(=false) API debugging (default: false).


This project is released under the 0BSD license, which allows for unrestricted use, modification, and distribution.