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# rsnapshot
#### Table of Contents
1. [Overview](#overview)
2. [Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful](#module-description)
* [Notes](#notes)
3. [Setup - The basics of getting started with rsnapshot](#setup)
* [What rsnapshot affects](#what-rsnapshot-affects)
* [Setup requirements](#setup-requirements)
* [Getting started with rsnapshot](#getting-started)
4. [Configuration - options and additional functionality](#configuration)
* [Examples](#examples)
* [More Options](#more-options)
5. [Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how](#reference)
5. [Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.](#limitations)
6. [Development - Guide for contributing to the module](#development)
7. [Editors](#editors)
8. [Contributors](#contributors)
## Overview
The rsnapshot module installs, configures and manages rsnapshot on a dedicated backup server.
## Module Description
The rsnapshot module installs, configures and manages rsnapshot on a dedicated backup server. It allows to set up a centralized Backup Server for all your nodes.
For the cron setup, the module will pick random time entries for the crons from an Array or a Range of time. For how to configure this, [please see below](#more-options)
### Notes
This module is best used with an ENC like hiera. It will make your config much easier to read and to maintain. Check the examples to see what I mean.
## Setup
### What rsnapshot affects
* This module will install the rsnapshot package on your system
* This module will manage the rsnapshot config on your system
* This module will manage cron entries for your configured nodes
### Setup Requirements
On CentOS Systems this module requires the stahnma-epel module. Also you will need to have rsync installed on all nodes to be backed up.
It will create repeatable random cron entries from a configurable timerange for all hosts.
### Getting Started
You will need to pass the nodenames to be backed up at least.
This will pickup all defaults and add localhost to the backups:
class { '::rsnapshot':
hosts => {
'localhost' => {},
## Configuration
Here are some more elaborate examples of what you can do with this module.
### Examples
This will backup localhost with defaults. It will disable the default backup locations for example.com
and just backup '/var' for example.com.
class { '::rsnapshot':
hosts => {
'localhost' => {},
'example.com' => {
backup_defaults => false,
backup => {
'/var/' => './'
The same in hiera:
classes: rsnapshot
backup_defaults: false
'/var/': './'
A more complete hiera example:
- rsnapshot
# override default backup dirs for all hosts:
'/etc': './'
'/usr/local': './'
'/home': './'
# configure hosts to be backed up
# pick all defaults for localhost
# add futher backups for node foo.example.com (additional to default_backup) and use a different snapshot root
'/foo': './'
'/bar': './'
'/baz': './misc'
snapshot_root: '/tmp/rsnapshot'
# all defaults
# disable default backup dirs and just backup /var for node bar1
# also set the minute to 0-10 for daily cron (note: this is not particularly useful, it's just meant to document the features)
# lastly set the range of hours to pick a random hour from (the cron for bar1 will have hour set to something between 1 and 5)
backup_defaults: false
'/var': './var'
'minute': '0-10'
'hour': '1..5'
### More options
The defaults are pretty reasonable, I hope. However, you may override pretty much anything. Available parameters are discussed below.
#### Specials
As mentioned, this module will generate random time entries for your hosts. The random number generator is hashed with hostname and backup_level, so the randomness will be repeatable per host.level. This is important so puppet won't override the crons with each run.
You may specify time ranges as follows:
* default cron syntax (1-10, '*/5', 5)
* an array with allowed values, for example, if you want the backup for a host to run between 1am and 5am, you would override the hours setting for the host in question.
in hiera this would look like: (Explanation see below)
'minute': '1'
'hour': '1..5'
This will create the rsnapshot config using defaults from params.pp, but set the minute of the daily backup to '1' and the hour to something random between 1 and 5.
So it would look something like:
1 4 * * * foo daily
or maybe
1 2 * * * foo daily
## Reference
### Classes
#### Public Classes
* rsnapshot: Main class, includes all other classes.
####Private Classes
* rsnapshot::install: Handles the packages.
* rsnapshot::config: Handles configuration and cron files.
* rsnapshot::params: default values.
### Functions
Sets an empty value to a hash (we need this so a loop doesn't break if just a hostname is given to pick up all defaults.
Like pick but returns undef values.
Takes an Integer, a String or an Array as input, and returns a random entry from the array (or just the String/Integer)
### Parameters
The following parameters are available in the `::rsnapshot` class:
Hash containing the hosts to be backed up and optional overrides per host
The place where the configs will be dropped (Default: /etc/rsnapshot (will be created if it doesn't exist))
The user to run the backup scripts as (Default: root, also the user used for ssh connections, if you change this make sure you have proper key deployed and the user exists in the nodes to be backed up.)
Default: rsnapshot
Default: present
Directory to drop the cron files to. Crons will be created per host. (Default: /etc/cron.d)
Array containing the backup levels (hourly, daily, weekly, monthly)
Configure the backup_levels (valid per host and global, so you may either set: rsnapshot::backup_levels for all hosts or override default backup_levels for specific hosts)
Boolean. Backup default backup dirs or not.
Hash. Set time ranges for different backup levels.
Hash is of the form:
cron =>{
daily => {
minute => param,
hour => param,
weekly => {
minute => param,
hour => param,
### rsnapshot configuration variables
Please read up on the following in the [rsnapshot manpage](http://linux.die.net/man/1/rsnapshot)