#!/bin/bash # This script finds prime numbers using the Slurm workload manager. # It operates in two modes: # # 1. When run without a Slurm job ID: # - It accepts an optional argument to set the range (default: 10000). # - It submits two Slurm jobs: # a) First job searches for primes from 1 to RANGE. # b) Second job searches for primes from (RANGE + 1) to (RANGE * 2). # - After submission, it watches the Slurm queue, updating every 0.1 seconds. # # 2. When run as a Slurm job: # - It uses the 'factor' command to identify prime numbers within the given range. # - It prints each prime number found to stdout. # - It logs the job ID and the range being searched. # # Usage: # Without arguments: ./primes.sh # With custom range: ./primes.sh 20000 RANGE=${1:-10000} function find_primes() { local START="$1" local END="$2" echo "INFO: Job $SLURM_JOB_ID looking for prime numbers from $START to $END" for ((i=START;i<=END;i++)); do if [ "$(factor "$i")" == "$i: $i" ]; then echo "$i" fi done } if [ -z "$SLURM_JOB_ID" ]; then sbatch -N1 --wrap="$0 1 $RANGE" sbatch -N1 --wrap="$0 $((RANGE + 1)) $((RANGE * 2))" watch -n0.1 squeue else find_primes "$1" "$2" fi