# Tasks to do only on the production server. # Setup NFS mounts where file attachments will be stored. # This is so files are backed up on the NFS host; when hosting # redmine on a VM without a backup client. # # Be sure the UID for the redmine user matches with the # NFS server - name: ensure NFS mount dir for Redmine files file: path: '{{ redmine_files_nfs_mount }}' state: directory become: yes - name: mount dir for Redmine files mount: name: '{{ redmine_files_nfs_mount }}' src: '{{ redmine_files_nfs_source }}' fstype: nfs opts: rsize=32768,wsize=32768,tcp,hard,nointr state: mounted become: yes - name: set attachments_storage_path in configuration.yml lineinfile: dest: '{{ redmine_root_dir }}/config/configuration.yml' regexp: '\s*attachments_storage_path:' line: ' attachments_storage_path: {{ redmine_files_nfs_mount }}' notify: restart nginx