module Puppet::Parser::Functions newfunction(:rand_from_array, :type => :rvalue, :doc => <<-EOS This function takes either an int or an array as input and returns the int or a random element from the array EOS )do |args| fail "Must receive two argument." if args.empty? #++ this works if the input is an array # return args.sample # +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ # args.flatten! params = [] params << args[0] params.flatten! arr = [] salt = args[1].sum % 60 rnd = # rnd = params.each do |key| if key.is_a?(String) and key =~ /\d\.\.\d/ k = key.split('..') r =[0],k[1]).to_a arr << r arr.flatten! elsif key.is_a?(String) arr << key arr.flatten! elsif key.is_a?(Integer) arr << key.to_s arr.flatten! end end last_i = arr.length - 1 return arr[rnd.rand(0..last_i)] end end