# == Class: rsnapshot # # default params class rsnapshot::params { $hosts = undef $conf_d = '/etc/rsnapshot' # the place where the host specific configs are stored $config_backup_user = 'root' $package_name = 'rsnapshot' $package_ensure = 'present' $cron_dir = '/etc/cron.d' $config_backup_levels = [ 'daily', 'weekly', ] $config_backup_defaults = true $config_version = '1.2' $config_cmd_cp = '/bin/cp' $config_cmd_rm = '/bin/rm' $config_cmd_rsync = '/usr/bin/rsync' $config_cmd_ssh = '/usr/bin/ssh' $config_cmd_logger = '/usr/bin/logger' $config_cmd_du = '/usr/bin/du' $config_cmd_rsnapshot_diff = '/usr/bin/rsnapshot-diff' $config_cmd_preexec = undef $config_cmd_postexec = undef $config_use_lvm = undef $config_linux_lvm_cmd_lvcreate = undef # '/sbin/lvcreate' $config_linux_lvm_cmd_lvremove = undef # '/sbin/lvremove' $config_linux_lvm_cmd_mount = undef # '/sbin/mount' $config_linux_lvm_cmd_umount = undef # '/sbin/umount' $config_linux_lvm_snapshotsize = undef # '100M' $config_linux_lvm_snapshotname = undef # 'rsnapshot' $config_linux_lvm_vgpath = undef # '/dev' $config_linux_lvm_mountpath = undef # '/mount/rsnapshot' $config_logpath = '/var/log/rsnapshot' $config_logfile = '/var/log/rsnapshot.log' # unused, we are logging to $logpath/$host.log $config_lockpath = '/var/run/rsnapshot' $config_snapshot_root = '/backup/' $config_no_create_root = undef # bool, true or false $config_verbose = '2' $config_loglevel = '4' $config_stop_on_stale_lockfile = undef # bool $config_rsync_short_args = '-az' $config_rsync_long_args = undef # defaults are --delete --numeric-ids --relative --delete-excluded $config_ssh_args = undef $config_du_args = undef $config_one_fs = undef $config_retain = { } $config_interval = { 'daily' => '7', 'weekly' => '4', 'monthly' => '6', } $config_include = [] $config_exclude = [] $config_include_file = undef $config_exclude_file = undef $config_link_dest = false $config_sync_first = false $config_rsync_numtries = 1 $config_use_lazy_deletes = false $config_default_backup = { '/etc' => './', '/home' => './', } $config_backup_scripts = {} $cron = { 'hourly' => { 'minute' => '0..59', 'hour' => '*', # you could also do: ['21..23','0..4','5'], 'monthday' => '*', 'month' => '*', 'weekday' => '*', }, 'daily' => { 'minute' => '0..59', 'hour' => '0..23', # you could also do: ['21..23','0..4','5'], 'monthday' => '*', 'month' => '*', 'weekday' => '*', }, 'weekly' => { 'minute' => '0..59', 'hour' => '0..23', # you could also do: ['21..23','0..4','5'], 'monthday' => '*', 'month' => '*', 'weekday' => '0..6', }, 'monthly' => { 'minute' => '0..59', 'hour' => '0..23', # you could also do: ['21..23','0..4','5'], 'monthday' => '0..28', 'month' => '*', 'weekday' => '*', }, } }