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synced 2024-12-16 13:20:35 +00:00
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# Configure a fluentd config file
# e.g. source, match etc.
define fluentd::config::file (
$ensure = present,
$priority = 50,
$content = undef,
) {
if $caller_module_name != $module_name {
fail("Use of private fluentd::config::file by ${caller_module_name}")
$base_name = "${title}.conf"
$config_name = "${priority}-${base_name}"
$config_path = "${::fluentd::conf_dir}/${config_name}"
# clean up to ensure priority changes take effect
exec { "apply priority change for ${base_name}":
command => "rm ${::fluentd::conf_dir}/*-${base_name}",
onlyif => "ls ${::fluentd::conf_dir}/*-${base_name} | grep -v ${config_name}",
before => File[$config_path],
notify => Class['Fluentd::Service'],
file { $config_path:
ensure => $ensure,
content => $content,
owner => 'td-agent',
group => 'td-agent',
mode => '0644',
notify => Class['Fluentd::Service'],