# wywygmbh/fluentd Puppet Module [![GitHub version](https://badge.fury.io/gh/wywygmbh%2Fpuppet-fluentd.svg)](https://github.com/wywygmbh/puppet-fluentd) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/wywygmbh/puppet-fluentd.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/wywygmbh/puppet-fluentd) #### Table of Contents 1. [Description](#description) 1. [Setup - The basics of getting started with fluentd](#setup) 1. [Usage](#usage) * [Configuration](#configuration) * [Parameters](#parameters) * [Source](#source) * [Filter](#filter) * [Match](#match) * [Match Store](#match-store) * [Plugin Installation](#plugin-installation) * [Requirements](#requirements) 1. [Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.](#limitations) 1. [Development - Guide for contributing to the module](#development) 1. [License](#license) ## Description The fluentd module sets up fluentd (td-agent) and manages configuration files. **This module only supports fluentd from version 2**. ## Setup This will install the latest version of fluentd ```puppet include '::fluentd' ``` ## Usage **By default this module doesn't configure any sources, matches or filters.** The section below describes how to configure these. ### Configuration #### Parameters `repo_manage` Include repository to install recent fluentd (td-agent) from. **Default:** 'true' `package_ensure` Package ensure. **Default:** 'installed' `package_name` Package name. **Default:** 'td-agent' `package_install_options` Package install options. **Default:** '[]' `service_manage` Defines if the service should be managed by puppet. **Default:** 'true' `service_name` Name of the service. **Default:** 'td-agent' `service_ensure` Service ensure. **Default:** 'running' `service_enabled` Defines if the service should be enabled. **Default:** 'true' `user_manage` Defines if the user should be manage, which will add the user to groups defined in `user_groups`. For example to be able to view the /var/log directory with group adm **Default:** 'true' `user_name` **Default:** 'td-agent' `user_group` **Default:** 'td-agent' `user_groups` **Default:** '["adm"]' #### Source ```puppet ::fluentd::source { 'test': priority => 10, config => { 'type' => 'tail', 'format' => 'json', 'path' => '/var/log/test-application/*.json', 'tag' => 'application.test' } } ``` **creates:** ``` /etc/td-agent/conf.d/10-source-test.conf type tail format json path /var/log/test-application/*.json tag application.test ``` #### Filter ```puppet ::fluentd::filter { 'test': priority => 20, pattern => '*.test', config => { 'type' => 'record_transformer', 'record' => { 'hostname' => '${hostname}' } } } ``` **creates:** ``` /etc/td-agent/conf.d/20-filter-test.conf type record_transformer hostname ${hostname} ``` #### Match ```puppet ::fluentd::match { 'test': priority => 30, pattern => '*.test', config => { 'flush_interval' => '30s', 'type' => 'secure_forward', 'secure' => 'yes', 'shared_key' => 'my_shared_key', 'self_hostname' => 'instance.test.com', 'ca_cert_path' => '/path/to/ca.cert', 'server' => [{ 'host' => 'test.server.com', }] } } ``` **creates:** ``` /etc/td-agent/conf.d/30-match-test.conf flush_interval 30s type secure_forward secure yes shared_key my_shared_key self_hostname instance.test.com ca_cert_path /path/to/ca.cert host test.server.com ``` ### Match Store ```puppet ::fluentd::match { 'test': priority => 30, pattern => '*.test', config => { 'type' => 'copy', 'store' => [ { 'type' => 'elasticsearch', 'logstashformat' => true, 'hosts' => '', 'flush_interval' => '30s', }, { 'type' => 'file', 'path' => '/tmp/td-agent-debug.log', } ] } } ``` **creates:** ``` /etc/td-agent/conf.d/30-match-test.conf type copy type elasticsearch logstash_format true hosts flush_interval 30s type file path /tmp/crs ``` ### Plugin Installation This module gives you the possibility to install plugins as gem or files. **gem installation** ```puppet ::fluentd::plugin { 'fluent-plugin-elasticsearch': type => 'gem' } ``` **file installation** ```puppet ::fluentd::plugin { 'fluent-plugin-elasticsearch': type => 'file', source => 'puppet:///path/to/plugin' } ``` ### Requirements Modules: * puppetlabs/apt >= 1.8.0 < 3.0.0 ## Limitations This module has been built on and tested against Puppet 3.7.5 and higher. The module has been tested on: * Ubuntu 12.04 Testing on other platforms has been light and cannot be guaranteed. ## Development ### Running the test suite To run the tests install the ruby dependencies with `bundler` and execute `rake`: ``` bundle install --path vendor/bundle bundle exec rake spec bundle exec rake lint bundle exec rake beaker BEAKER_set=ubuntu-server-1204-x64 bundle exec rake beaker BEAKER_set=ubuntu-server-1404-x64 bundle exec rake beaker BEAKER_set=debian-60-x64 bundle exec rake beaker BEAKER_set=debian-78-x64 bundle exec rake beaker BEAKER_set=debian-82-x64 bundle exec rake beaker BEAKER_set=centos-66-x64 bundle exec rake beaker BEAKER_set=centos-70-x64 ``` ## License Copyright 2015 wywy GmbH Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. This Puppet module is being actively maintained by some fellow puppeteers at [wywy GmbH](http://wywy.com/).