# Changelog ## 1.0.0 **Breaking changes:** This version drops puppet 3 support! * Fix hard coded user/group names in config manifest (#23) * migrate from stdlib validation to puppet datatypes (#24) ## 0.6.0 * Updated README * fixed broken links, due to github organisation rename * fixed indentation for config files (filter, match, source) * use rspec-puppet-facts for unit testing ## 0.5.6 * Fixed `conf_dir_manage` parameter call ## 0.5.5 * Added `conf_dir_manage` parameter (Default: false) * Exclusively handle config files into fluentd::conf_dir. Other files not created by puppet, will be deleted ## 0.5.4 * fixed templates/filter.erb * fixed removing of old GPG key for yum repos ## 0.5.3 * update treasure data repo gpg key ## 0.5.2 * Correct the docs related to the service_enable parameter ## 0.5.1 * Allow to install specific version of fluent gem plugins ## 0.5.0 * Added support for Debian 6, 7, 8 * Added support for CentOS 6, 7 * Added `::fluentd::user`, which manages the td-agent user * Added parameter `user_manage` * Added parameter `user_name` * Added parameter `user_group` * Added parameter `user_groups` * Added acceptance tests * `::fluentd::repo::apt::location default` changed to `http://packages.treasuredata.com/2/${::lsbdistid}/${::lsbdistcodename}` * Small fixes and improvements ## 0.4.0 * Allows definition of multiple directives in matching rules ## 0.3.0 * Increased apt dependency * Module pinning on rspec tests * Minor changes ## 0.2.0 * Increased stdlib dependency ## 0.1.0 * Initial release