mirror of https://github.com/krislamo/puppet-acme_vault synced 2024-11-09 20:30:36 +00:00
2018-02-27 13:58:42 -05:00

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# Configuration for deploying certs in vault to the filesystem
# This class handles taking a cert/key out of vault, and placing it in a
# configured path on the filesystem. It will also accept a restart command to
# restart any appropriate services to take advantage of the new cert.
# It employs a script, check_cert.sh, to validate the cert in vault is
# appropriate to replace the existing one
class acme_vault::deploy(
$user = $::acme_vault::common::user,
$group = $::acme_vault::common::group,
$home_dir = $::acme_vault::common::home_dir,
$domains = $::acme_vault::common::domains,
$cert_destination_path = $::acme_vault::params::cert_destination_path,
$restart = $::acme_vault::params::restart,
$restart_command = $::acme_vault::params::restart_command,
) inherits acme_vault::params {
include acme_vault::common
# copy down cert check script
file {"${home_dir}/check_cert.sh":
ensure => present,
owner => $user,
group => $group,
mode => '0750',
source => 'puppet:///modules/acme_vault/check_cert.sh',
# ensure destination path exists
file {$cert_destination_path:
ensure => directory,
owner => $user,
group => $group,
mode => '0750',
# cron job for deploy
if $restart {
$restart_suffix = "&& ${restart_command}"
} else {
$restart_suffix = ''
# go through each domain, setup cron, and ensure the destination dir exists
$domains.each |$domain, $d_list| {
cron { "${domain}_deploy":
command => "${home_dir}/check_cert.sh ${domain} ${cert_destination_path} ${restart_suffix}",
user => $user,
weekday => 2,
file {"${cert_destination_path}/${domain}":
ensure => directory,
owner => $user,
group => $group,
mode => '0750',