# acme_vault::common # # This class defines the common configuration for the acme_vault module. # It sets up the necessary user, group, home directory, and environment # variables for the acme_vault module to interact with Let's Encrypt and # HashiCorp Vault for certificate management. # # @param user The system user for the acme_vault module. # @param group The system group for the acme_vault module. # @param group_members Additional group members that require access to the certificates. # @param home_dir The home directory for the acme_vault user. # @param contact_email The email address for Let's Encrypt registration and notifications. # @param domains The list of domain names to request certificates for. # @param overrides A hash of domain-specific configuration overrides. # # @param vault_token The authentication token for accessing HashiCorp Vault. # @param vault_addr The address of the HashiCorp Vault server. # @param vault_bin The path to the Vault binary. # @param vault_prefix The prefix for storing certificates in Vault. # class acme_vault::common ( $user = $::acme_vault::params::user, $group = $::acme_vault::params::group, $group_members = $::acme_vault::params::group_members, $home_dir = $::acme_vault::params::home_dir, $contact_email = $::acme_vault::params::contact_email, $domains = $::acme_vault::params::domains, $overrides = $::acme_vault::params::overrides, $vault_token = $::acme_vault::params::vault_token, $vault_addr = $::acme_vault::params::vault_addr, $vault_bin = $::acme_vault::params::vault_bin, $vault_prefix = $::acme_vault::params::vault_prefix, ) inherits acme_vault::params { $common_bashrc_template = @(END) export PATH=$HOME:$PATH export VAULT_BIN=<%= @vault_bin %> export VAULT_TOKEN=<%= @vault_token %> export VAULT_ADDR=<%= @vault_addr %> export VAULT_PREFIX=<%= @vault_prefix %> | END # create acme_vault user user { $user: ensure => present, gid => $group, system => true, home => $home_dir, managehome => true, } file { $home_dir: ensure => directory, owner => $user, group => $group, mode => '0750', } # group membership is handled through collected virtual resources. This # allows other modules/profiles to add members to the group, for services # that require access to the certs @group { $group: ensure => present, system => true, tag => 'acme_vault_group', } # include lines similar to this in your own modules to add members to the # group. We use this method here to add the group_members paramater, but # it will work the same in any module. Group <| tag == 'acme_vault_group' |> { members +> $group_members } # variables in bashrc concat { "${home_dir}/.bashrc": owner => $user, group => $group, mode => '0600', } concat::fragment{ 'vault_bashrc': target => "${home_dir}/.bashrc", content => inline_template($common_bashrc_template), order => '01', } # common dummy cron job to set MAILTO cron { 'dummy_mailto': command => '/bin/true', user => $user, month => 7, hour => 1, minute => 29, environment => "MAILTO=${contact_email}", } # renew vault token cron { 'renew vault token': command => ". \$HOME/.bashrc && ${vault_bin} token renew > /dev/null", user => $user, weekday => 1, hour => 10, minute => 17, } }