# params for both common, request, and deploy class acme_vault::params { # settings for acme user $user = 'acme' $group = 'acme' $group_members = ['apache'] $home_dir = '/home/acme_vault' $contact_email = '' $domains = undef # overrides is a list of challenge-alias overrides. It defaults to the domain itself. # see https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh/wiki/DNS-alias-mode $overrides = {} # authentication $vault_token = undef $vault_addr = undef $vault_bin = "${home_dir}/vault" $vault_prefix = '/secret/letsencrypt/' # whether to use the letsencrypt staging url, set those urls $staging = false $staging_url = 'https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory' $prod_url = 'https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory' $acme_revision = 'HEAD' $acme_repo_path = "${home_dir}/acme.sh" $acme_script = "${acme_repo_path}/acme.sh" # namecheap $namecheap_username = undef $namecheap_api_key = undef $namecheap_sourceip = # settings for deploy $cert_destination_path = '/etc/acme' $deploy_scripts = "${cert_destination_path}/deploy.d" $restart_method = "for f in ${deploy_scripts}/*.sh; do \"\$f\"; done" }