mirror of https://github.com/krislamo/puppet-acme_vault synced 2024-09-19 12:30:35 +00:00

requester first pass

This commit is contained in:
Bob Belnap 2018-02-22 14:46:51 -05:00
parent 64d5946907
commit 7714cc7b41
7 changed files with 181 additions and 0 deletions

files/vault Executable file

Binary file not shown.

manifests/deploy.pp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
class acme_vault::deploy(
$user = $::acme_vault::params::user,
$group = $::acme_vault::params::group,
$home_dir = $::acme_vault::params::home_dir,
$vault_token = $::acme_vault::params::vault_token,
$cert_destination_path = $::acme_vault::params::cert_destination_path,
$domains = $::acme_vault::params::domains,
) inherits acme_vault::params {

manifests/params.pp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
class acme_vault::params {
# settings for requestor
$user = 'acme'
$group = 'apache'
$home_dir = '/home/acme_vault'
$contact_email = ''
# whether to use the letsencrypt staging url, set those urls
$staging = true
$staging_url = 'https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory'
$prod_url = 'https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory'
$acme_revision = 'HEAD'
$acme_repo_path = "$home_dir/acme.sh"
$acme_script = "$acme_repo_path/acme.sh"
# domains list TODO should be a mapping name -> domains
$domains = ''
# authentication
$vault_token = ''
$vault_addr = ''
$vault_bin = "$home_dir/vault"
$dns_api_username = ''
# settings for deploy
$cert_destination_path = '/etc/acme/'
# control if we want to actually run acme_vault - usefull for rollout
$skip_run = true

manifests/requestor.pp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
class acme_vault::requestor (
$user = $::acme_vault::params::user,
$group = $::acme_vault::params::group,
$home_dir = $::acme_vault::params::home_dir,
$contact_email = $::acme_vault::params::contact_email,
$staging = $::acme_vault::params::staging,
$staging_url = $::acme_vault::params::staging_url,
$prod_url = $::acme_vault::params::prod_url,
$acme_revision = $::acme_vault::params::acme_revision,
$acme_repo_path = $::acme_vault::params::acme_repo_path,
$acme_script = $::acme_vault::params::acme_script,
$dns_api_username = $::acme_vault::params::dns_api_username,
$domains = $::acme_vault::params::domains,
$vault_token = $::acme_vault::params::vault_token,
$vault_addr = $::acme_vault::params::vault_addr,
$vault_bin = $::acme_vault::params::vault_bin,
) inherits acme_vault::params {
# include acme_vault::user
# create acme_vault user
user { $user:
ensure => present,
gid => $group,
system => true,
home => $home_dir,
managehome => true,
file { $home_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => $user,
group => $group,
mode => "0750",
# copy vault binary? install via module?
#TODO put in init
# vault module isn't too flexible for install only, just copy in binary
#include ::vault::install
#class { '::vault::install':
# manage_user => false,
file { $vault_bin:
ensure => present,
owner => "root",
group => "root",
mode => "0555",
source => "puppet:///modules/acme_vault/vault",
# variables in bashrc
file { "$home_dir/.bashrc":
ensure => present,
owner => $user,
group => $group,
mode => "0600",
content => template("acme_vault/bashrc"),
# checkout acme repo
vcsrepo { $acme_repo_path:
ensure => present,
provider => git,
source => "https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh.git",
revision => $acme_revision,
# copy down issue scripts
$domains.each |$domain, $d_list| {
file {"/${home_dir}/${domain}.sh":
ensure => present,
mode => "0700",
owner => $user,
group => $group,
content => epp("acme_vault/domain.epp", {
acme_script => "$acme_script",
domain => $domain,
domains => $d_list,
staging => $staging,
staging_url => $staging_url,
prod_url => $prod_url,
} )

manifests/user.pp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
class acme_vault::user {
# create acme_vault user
user { $acme_vault::user:
ensure => present,
gid => $acme_vault::group,
system => true,
home => $acme_vault::home_dir,
managehome => false,

templates/bashrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
export VAULT_TOKEN=<%= @vault_token %>
export VAULT_ADDR=<%= @vault_addr %>
export LEXICON_PROVIDER=namecheap
export LEXICON_NAMECHEAP_USERNAME=<%= @dns_api_username %>
export LEXICON_NAMECHEAP_TOKEN=$(<%= @vault_bin %> read -field=value /secret/dns_api/token)

templates/domain.epp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
<%= $acme_script %> \
--issue \
<% if $staging { -%>
--staging \
--server <%= $staging_url %> \
<% } else { -%>
--server <%= $prod_url %>
<% } -%>
--dns dns_lexicon \
--dnssleep 600 \
<% $domains.each |$d| { -%>
--domain "<%= $d %>" \
<% } -%>