# Nextcloud Deployment Repository This repository contains configurations for deploying Nextcloud using Docker. Nextcloud is an open-source platform that provides secure data storage, sharing, and access across devices. It is a self-hosted alternative to cloud storage services and offers features like file sharing, calendar and contact management, and collaborative editing tools. ## Docker Configuration - `IMAGE`: Specifies the Docker image for Nextcloud (default: `nextcloud`). - `VERSION`: Specifies the tag of the Docker image (default: `latest`). - `NAME`: Sets the name of the Docker container (default: `nextcloud`). ## Nextcloud Configuration - `PHP_MEMORY_LIMIT`: Sets the memory limit for PHP processes (default: `1024M`). ## Traefik Configuration - `ROUTER`: Defines the router name for Traefik to use (default: `nextcloud`). - `DOMAIN`: Specifies the domain for accessing Nextcloud (default: `cloud.local.krislamo.org`). - `ENTRYPOINT`: Configures the Traefik entrypoint (default: `web`). - `ENABLE_TLS`: Toggles TLS encryption (default: `false`). - `CONTAINER_PORT`: Specifies the HTTP port used for Traefik (default: `80`). - `MIDDLEWARES`: Lists the middlewares applied to the Nextcloud service (default: `nextcloud-webdav`). ## Network Configuration - `NETWORK`: Designates the Docker network to be used (default: `traefik`). ## Volume Configuration - `DATA`: Required. Specifies the path for persistent data storage for Nextcloud. ## License This project is released under the 0BSD license, which allows for unrestricted use, modification, and distribution.