Kris Lamoureux 4ce50becd2
Add build configuration system and paper image
- Add 'make paper' target to build a Paper image with plugins based on JRE
- Introduce dynamic .env and plugins.json configuration using Makefile
- Enable users to extend builds by managing their own directories in scratch/
- Implement copy_build_files macro for reproducible build management
- Add BUILDKIT_PROGRESS and DOCKER_BUILDKIT as configurable make vars
2024-05-24 03:15:54 -04:00

50 lines
1.4 KiB

FROM "${JRE_IMAGE:-localhost/minecraft-jre}":"${JRE_TAG:-latest}"
# Minecraft version to download
# Download files and run as user
USER minecraft
# Download and verify sha1sum for server.jar
RUN set -eux && \
# Grab latest version if not specified
if [ "$VERSION" = "latest" ]; then \
curl -s https://launchermeta.mojang.com/mc/game/version_manifest.json \
| jq -r '.latest.release' \
)"; \
fi && \
# Get server.jar based on $VERSION
curl -s https://launchermeta.mojang.com/mc/game/version_manifest.json \
| jq -r --arg id "$VERSION" '.versions[] | select(.id == $id) | .url' \
| xargs curl -s | jq -r '.downloads.server' | tee "/tmp/dl.json" \
| jq -r '.url' | xargs curl -s -o server.jar && \
# Get SHA1 hash of server.jar and compare
SHA1="$(sha1sum server.jar | awk '{print $1}')" && \
EXPECTED="$(jq -r .sha1 /tmp/dl.json)"; rm /tmp/dl.json && \
if [ ! "$SHA1" = "$EXPECTED" ]; then \
echo "[ERROR] SHA1=\"$SHA1\" expected \"$EXPECTED\""; \
exit 1; \
# Generate initial settings
RUN java -jar server.jar --initSettings --nogui
# Back to root to copy the entrypoint in
USER root
# Copy in entrypoint script
COPY ../entrypoint.sh /usr/local/bin/entrypoint.sh
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/entrypoint.sh
# Run app as minecraft user
USER minecraft
# Expose port and run entrypoint script
EXPOSE 25565
ENTRYPOINT ["entrypoint.sh"]