#!/bin/bash DOTFILES="$(pwd)/.*[a-z]" DATE=$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S') for FILE in $DOTFILES ; do BASEFILE=$(basename $FILE) # Exclude the repo's .git folder if [ "$BASEFILE" != ".git" ] ; then # If dotfile is not a symlink and exists then back it up if [ ! -L ~/$BASEFILE ] ; then read -p "Press [ENTER] to move ~/$BASEFILE to ~/$BASEFILE-$DATE" echo "mv ~/$BASEFILE ~/$BASEFILE-$DATE" fi # If dotfile doesn't exist then link it. if [ ! -e "~/$BASEFILE" ] ; then echo "ln -s $FILE ~/$BASEFILE" else echo "~/$BASEFILE is already a symlink. Nothing to do." fi fi done