; [path] base_url = /interface log = /var/log/timetrex storage = /var/timetrex/storage php_cli = /usr/bin/php [database] type = postgres host = {{ tx_db_host }} database_name = {{ tx_db_name }} user = {{ tx_db_user }} password = {{ tx_db_pass }} [cache] enable = TRUE dir = /tmp/timetrex [debug] production = TRUE enable = FALSE enable_display = FALSE buffer_output = TRUE enable_log = FALSE verbosity = 10 [other] force_ssl = FALSE installer_enabled = TRUE primary_company_id = 0 hostname = localhost ; WARNING: DO NOT CHANGE THIS AFTER YOU HAVE INSTALLED TIMETREX. ; If you do it will cause all your passwords to become invalid, ; and you may lose access to some encrypted data. salt = "{{ tx_db_salt }}"