### WordPress Configuration ### # Domain wp_domain: www.freeitathens.org wp_admin_email: contact@freeitathens.org # Version of WordPress to deploy wp_version: 5.1.1 wp_sha1_hash: f1bff89cc360bf5ef7086594e8a9b68b4cbf2192 # WordPress Home Directory # Note: value is a directory without trailing '/' wp_dir: /var/www/wordpress # WordPress Database Settings wp_db_host: localhost wp_db_name: wordpress wp_db_user: wordpress_user wp_db_pass: Password1 wp_db_table_prefix: wp_ ### Nextcloud Configuration ### # Domain nc_domain: cloud.freeitathens.org nc_admin_email: contact@freeitathens.org # Version of Nextcloud to deploy nc_version: 15.0.2 nc_sha256_hash: c1f4cc33e39994ddbe6777370b62c30b7ae52136a0530c0b9922770803ca0fea # Nextcloud Home Directory # Note: value is a directory without trailing '/' nc_dir: /var/www/nextcloud # Nextcloud Database Settings nc_db_host: localhost nc_db_name: nextcloud nc_db_user: nextcloud_user nc_db_pass: Password1 # Nextcloud Admin nc_admin: admin nc_admin_pass: Password1